True Or False? Women Lose Interest In Sex After Menopause
It is actually true that some women lose interest in sex after menopause. It is however important for us to have a very close look at the definition of menopause in order to understand why certain women develop a lack of sex drive.
Menopause is defined as the time in a female's life when she completely stops menstruating because of the natural depletion of ovarian oocytes from aging. It is the loss of testosterone and estrogen following menopause that can lead to a loss of sexual appetite.
The reduction of estrogen in the body supply to the vagina can lead to vaginal dryness. This lack of natural vaginal lubrication can cause pain and discomfort during intercourse and in turn extinguish the flame of passion. Vaginal dryness is however easily solved with the use of water-, silicone or oil-based lubricants.
A water-based lubricant should always be used with condoms since oil-based lubes disintegrate latex. And it is recommended that you use a condom every time during sex until your doctor confirms you're no longer ovulating. It is also crucial to use a condom to prevent sexually transmitted disease (STD) contraction if you have a new or cheating partner. It is essential to remember that you can contract a sexually transmitted disease at any age and if it is left untreated, some sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV can result in death.
Other factors can also affect a woman's interest in intercourse during menopause and after. These include resting issues, anxiety, stress, depression, bladder control problems, medication and health concerns.
Believe it or not but there are some menopausal and post-menopausal women who report that their sex drive has improved significantly. This can be ascribed to the loss of fear of conception. It can also be the result of many postmenopausal women being free of work or mother responsibilities, allowing them to enjoy sex more. Stress can have an immensely negative impact on a person's sex drive.
Consider experimenting with erotic videos or books, masturbation, changes in positions and sex toys to improve the physical intimacy with your partner. Everybody loves a new experience or challenge in the bedroom.
Try to have more fun during foreplay by incorporating for example oral sex in your routine. Having fun with make you feel more comfortable and boost communication between you and your partner. It is crucial to always communicate openly and honestly with your partner as this is the key to a great sex life.
It is important to note that a loss of interest in intercourse can be physical, psychological or both. Therefore, if you are concerned about your loss of interest in sex during menopause, it is recommended that you consult your doctor as soon as possible. You should never feel embarrassed to talk about sex with your doctor. They have the knowledge and experience to identify the cause of your lack of sex drive and provide you with information on the latest advances in the field of sexual health care.